The Micro controller was developed by Intel in 1980. The 8051 is one of the most popular 8 bit micro controllers and combines an instruction set that allows tight coding of small particularly I/O application with enough power and a large enough program space that it can be used with C Language.
The last decade has seen an exciting evolution with capabilities of microprocessors. The development of 16 and 32 bit microprocessors contributed to the growth of powerful personal computers that are used in all walks of life. Because of their processing power and speed, these 16 and 32 bit microprocessors have also found their way into the design of standalone products such as electronic instruments which require sophisticated control capability. In the evolution of microprocessor capability, instead of focusing upon larger word widths and address spaces. the present emphasis 'is upon exceedingly fast real time control. The development of microcontrollers has focused upon the integration of the facilities needed to support fast control into a single chip.Intel has introduced standard 8-bit microcontroller 8048 in 1976. The same company has continued to drive the evolution of single chip microcontrollers. In the year 1980, Intel has introduced the 8051 microcontroller, with higher performance than 8048. With the advantages of 8051, the microcontrollers applications took a peak level. The 8-bit microcontroller, 8051 family. quickly gained the position of the second generation world standard microcontrollers.Because of the advanced semiconductor technology, it has become possible to integrate more than 1.00.000 transistors onto a single silicon chip. Intel has made use of this advanced process technology and developed a new generation of single chip 16 bit microcontrollers called the MCS-96 (8096 family). The 8096 family offers the highest level of system integration ever achieved on a single chip microcontroller with l,20,000 transistors. This 8096 microcontroller has 16 bit CPU, 8K bytes of program memory. 232 bytes of data memory and both analog and digital type of 1/ O features.The Motorola Microcontroller family was first introduced to the market in 1978 and is built in the same pattern of the microprocessor 6800. Even though the Microcontroller 6801 family was designed similar to the microprocessor 6800, its design and instruction set have been modified to suit the control applications.The microcontroller 6801 family includes On chip Input/Output ports, an Asynchronous serial communication device and 16 bit timer modules. The Microcontrollers 6801. 6803, 6805. 6811 are available from Motorola Company. The 6811 microcontroller family have different version with ROM, RAM, EPROM, and EEPROM. These versions are denoted by suffix characters and numbers.
SOURCE: https://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/135511-Evolution-Micro-controller
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