Evolution of Microprocessors
Transistor was invented in 1948 (23 December 1947 in Bell lab). IC was invented in 1958 (Fair Child Semiconductors) By Texas Instruments J kilby. First microprocessor was invented by INTEL(INTegrated ELectronics). Size of microprocessor – 4 bit Name Year of Invention Clock speed Number of transistors Inst. per sec INTEL 4004/4040 1971 by Ted Hoff and Stanley Mazor 740 KHz 2300 60,000 Size of microprocessor – 8 bit Name Year of Invention Clock speed Number of transistors Inst. per sec 8008 1972 500 KHz 3500 50,000 8080 1974 2 MHz 6000 10 times faster than 8008 8085 1976 (16 bit address bus) 3 MHz 6500 769230 Size of microprocessor – 16 bit Name Year of Invention Clock speed Number of transistors Inst. per sec 8086 1978 (multiply and divide instruction, 16 bit data bus and 20 bit address bus) 4.77 MHz, 8 MHz, 10 MHz 29000 2.5 Million 8088 1979 (cheaper version of 8086 and 8 bit external bus) 2.5 Million 80186/80188 1982 (80188...